It is possible to do this if you are working on a group project and need to convert PowerPoint to Google Slides. However, PowerPoint is still the preferred format for individual work. Converting PowerPoint presentations to Google Slides is possible in several ways. The process is straightforward. This article will show you how to convert PowerPoint slides to Google Slides so that you can share your slides with everyone.
Table of Contents
How to copy a slide from PowerPoint to google slides?
- Google Slides you load slides from another Google Slides presentation or a PowerPoint presentation.
- Open the presentation you wish to import slides into.
- Click File – Import slides.
- You’ll see all of the presentations in your Google Drive account. Click the Upload tab to import them from a presentation you have on your computer.
- Click Select to select the presentation that contains your slides.
- Choose the slides that you wish to import. If you wish to preserve the original theme, check “Keep Original Theme” or uncheck it to have them automatically adapt to your presentation.
Note 1. You don’t have to start with a blank Google Slides slide deck. Instead, you can import your PowerPoint slides into an existing Google Slides slide deck.
Note 2. You can use the Presents tab to locate the PowerPoint presentation you wish to convert instead of uploading it from your computer.
Preparing PowerPoint file for converting it to Google Slides
- PowerPoint decks that are designed as follows will make presentations more effective.
- Title placeholders contain titles.
- If possible, body text should be in body placeholders
- These themes have been used
- Slide masters and layouts were used
- Images of high quality are available
- Google Slides can read fonts. Standard or safe fonts will convert easily.
- Hyperlinks or links work.
Convert a PowerPoint into Google Slides using google drive
First, upload PowerPoint presentations to a Google Drive folder to convert them into Google Slides format. Then convert their file format.
- Open Google Drive.
- Click “New” at the top left-hand corner.
- Click “Upload File.”
- Choose the PowerPoint presentation you want.
- 5. Right-click on the uploaded File, choose “Open with,” then click “Google Slides.”
- Click “File.”
- Choose “Save as Google Slides.”
Note that uploading PowerPoint presentations to Google Drive doesn’t automatically convert them.
Formatting changes after conversion
Google Slides can usually change the format of your PowerPoint presentation if you convert it to Google Slides.
Google Slides will convert any font not recognized by it to the closest Google font. Google Slides defaults to web fonts, while PowerPoint defaults to standard fonts installed on your computer.
The formatting of a PowerPoint presentation converted to Google Slides should look the same as the original. You may have to adjust formatting or other objects in Google Slides.
During PowerPoint conversion to Google Slides, certain features are not supported
- The majority of PowerPoint animations and transitions
- You will need to insert the hyperlinks or links again.
- Video embedded charts and videos (these can be converted into images, but you can insert videos or create charts).
- Linked Excel spreadsheets
- SmartArt graphics (these can be converted into drawing objects)
- Password-protected files can be viewed in Google Drive but cannot be converted to Google Slides.
- VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), macros
- Here are five methods to convert PowerPoint presentations to Google Slides.
You can simply convert a PowerPoint file from your computer to Google Slides by opening the presentation on Google Slides.
You can also convert PowerPoint presentations into Google Slides by opening them in Google Slides.
Log in to Google and navigate to using the Chrome browser. You may also use another browser.
Click the My Drive > Google Slides button at the top. A blank presentation is created.
Click File in the menu and then choose Open. A dialog box appears.
Click the Upload button at the top.
Click on Select a file from your computer. A dialog box appears.
Please navigate to the file location on your computer and click it. Click Open. Double-clicking the File is also possible. The File will have the same name and format as PowerPoint, but it will be called Google Slides.
You can edit the Google Slides presentation to suit your needs.
To return to Google Slides, click Slides Home at the top left. All edits will be saved immediately.
If you wish to move the presentation to a folder on Google Drive, right-click it and choose Move from the dropdown menu.
You can choose from Google Drive or other locations when you click Open in the File menu.
Importing slides from a PowerPoint file onto a new Google Slides
Another option to import PowerPoint slides into a new Google Slides Presentation is:
- Log in to Google and navigate to using the Chrome browser. You may also use another browser.
- Click the My Drive > Google Slides button at the top. A blank presentation is created.
- Click File in the menu and then choose Import Slides. A dialog box appears.
- Click the Upload button at the top.
- Click on Select a file from your PC. A dialog box appears.
- Navigate to the file location on your computer and click it. Click Open. Double-click the File.
- Click on each slide that you wish to import.
- You can check or uncheck the option to keep the original theme if necessary.
- Click to import slides
- You can edit the Google Slides presentation as needed.
- Double-click the title to enter a name.
- To return to Google Slides, click Slides Home at the top left. All edits will be saved immediately.
- If you wish to move the presentation to a folder on Google Drive, right-click it and choose Move from the dropdown menu.
Importing other file formats into Google Slides
You may have used OpenOffice Impress, Keynote, or another presentation program. PowerPoint 2007 is compatible with OpenOffice files (.odp).
- OpenOffice Impress presentations must first be converted from.odp to a PowerPoint format. To do so, click File – Save As. Choose Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP. Follow the instructions in this tutorial to finish.
- You must save a Keynote presentation as a PowerPoint file. To do so, click File – Export To – PowerPoint. Follow the steps in this tutorial.
You will now be able to use your Google Drive to store and distribute PowerPoint presentations. You also learned how to convert Microsoft PowerPoint into Google Slides or copy it to your liking.
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