How to delete all saved posts on instagram?

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Organizing your Instagram feed can be a daunting task. While it’s possible to unsave posts one by one, mass deletion of posts is also an option. In this article, we’ll provide instructions on how to delete all your Instagram posts at once.

Many people take advantage of the ability to save posts, reels, and IGTV videos on Instagram. It has become a common practice to save any type of content that users find interesting; this can lead to thousands of saved items over time. To avoid running into difficulties with managing your account’s stored content, it is recommended to delete posts that are no longer necessary or relevant.


Delete Your Saved Instagram Posts on iPhone.1.jpg

Step 1:

In order to delete an Instagram collection, you’ll need to open the app and click on the profile picture. 2.jpg

Step 2:

Then select the three lines at the upper right corner. 


Step 3:

Afterward, select the “Saved” folder and pick the collection in question. 4.jpg

Step 4:

After that, tap on the three-dot icon and press “Edit Collection”, where you will find an option for deletion. 5.jpg

Step 5:

When this is selected and confirmed, all posts from that particular collection will be removed.


Delete Saved Posts on Android.

If you are an Android user, the following step-by-step procedure will guide you through deleting Instagram posts. 


Step 1:

First, open the app and select your profile photo. Locate the three lines in the corner; click them and make sure to go to the “Saved” tab. 7.jpg

Step 2:

Then select a collection of your choice, press on the three dots, and tap “Edit Collection”. 


Step 3:

Now choose “Delete Collection” and confirm by clicking “Delete”. After this action, all items shall disappear from that saved folder.


Delete Saved Instagram Posts on Chrome.9.jpg

Step 1:

To unsave a post or photo on Instagram, start by accessing the site in Chrome and log in with your email address or phone number and password. 10.jpg

Step 2:

Once logged in, click on your profile photo and select “Saved.” 


Step 3:

All posts you’ve saved will appear here—simply select the desired one(s) and press the “Saved” button to remove it.


Delete Saved Instagram Posts on Windows.


Step 1:

Deleting saved photos from your desktop is a straightforward process. To do this, open the Instagram app for Windows and select your profile photo.


Step 2:

 Then, click on the “Saved” option and the posts in your collection will appear.


Step 3:

 Select the post you want to delete and press “Saved” again – it will be removed from your collection.


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