How to format text in Google slides?

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Google Slides has become a great way to add text and interact with your audience. However, there are some things you need to keep in mind when formatting text on this platform- specifically regarding font size changes since they don’t carry over from one device to another like Apple’s iOS system does!

In this step, you will be changing the font of your text. There are many different fonts to choose from and they can change how a slide reads entirely! The size also matters – small or large numbers make for easier reading on a screen as well so keep that in mind when choosing what looks best with yours specifically too.”


How to format text in Google slides

How to add a hanging indent in Google Slides :

1. Select the text you want to indent.

2. Click the “Format” tab at the top of the window.

3. In the “Indentation” section, click the “Increase indent” icon.

Hanging indents can be used to make your document look more formal. They’re especially good for documents with an official tone, like contracts or agreements between two companies.
As you should know by now there are many different ways of formatting text so that it has the best chance of being read properly (which means keeping things simple). One style is hanging indentation – where each line starts flush left and gets increasingly deeper as Kidder goes on until they reach their maximum depth; this makes them perfect if what You want isn’t just some lighthearted blog post but rather something serious.

Making a hanging indent in Google Slides is a quick and easy process. First, select the text you want to indent. Then, click the “Format” tab at the top of the window. In the “Indentation” section, click the “Increase indent” icon. This will push the selected text over to the right, creating a hanging indent.

If the ruler doesn’t appear when you select the text, click View in the toolbar, then Show the ruler.

On the ruler, you’ll see two small blue arrows, called tab stops. The first tab stop is always at the left margin, but you can add more tab stops where you want them.

To make a hanging indent, drag the left-hand side tab stop to the right until it’s in the position you want. The amount of space between the tab stop and the left margin will be the size of your indent.


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A dial will appear next to the arrow to show you how far you’ve moved the text. Half an inch is a good size for a hanging indent.

The final stage is to drag the small blue rectangle that sits above the blue arrows. This will move all the text over to the new tab stop position, creating your hanging indent.

When you’re done adding text, hit the “Done” button in the bottom-right corner of the window. Your changes will be saved automatically.

This brings the first line of each section of text back to the left margin, making it easier for your audience to read.

If you want to add more than one line of text, simply hit the “Enter” key on your keyboard. This will create a new line of text. You can format each line of text individually by selecting it and using the options in the toolbar.

and if a line is indented and you want it to stick out to the left margin, simply highlight it and press the “Decrease indent” icon.

You can also add lists to your Google Slides presentation. To create a list, click the “List” icon in the toolbar. This will bring up a drop-down menu of different list types. Select the type of list you want to use.

Then, start typing your list. A new bullet point will be created each time you hit the “Enter” key. You can also press the “Tab” key to indent items. To outdent items, press the “Shift” key and the “Tab” key at the same time.

Google Slides also allows you to add images to your presentation. To add an image, click the “Image” icon in the toolbar. This will bring up a window where you can search for an image or upload one from your computer.

How to format text in Google slides

How to wrap text in Google Slides:

While visual elements should be the main focus for presentations , adding text can help to provide context or additional information for your audience.

When adding text in Google Slides, you may find that the length of your text exceeds the size of your slide. In cases like this, you’ll need to wrap your text so that it fits within the bounds of the slide.


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If you’re confused about how to wrap text in Google Slides that’s because there is no option to “wrap text” in Google Slides.

  1. Select the text you want to format.
  2. Click the “Format” tab at the top of the window.
  3. In the “Alignment” section, click the “Wrap text” icon.

This will bring up a drop-down menu of different text wrapping options. Select the option you want to use. Your text will automatically be reformatted.

If you want to add more than one line of text, simply hit the “Enter” key on your keyboard. This will create a new line of text. You can format each line of text individually by selecting it and using the options in the toolbar.

Speaking of word documents, wrapping text around images in Google Docs is also a simple process.

How to format text in Google slides

so how to wrap text around images in Google Docs :

  1. Select the image you want to wrap the text around.
  2. Click the “Format” tab at the top of the window.
  3. In the “Arrange” section, click the “Wrap text” icon.
  4. This will bring up a drop-down menu of different text wrapping options. Select the option you want to use. Your text will automatically be reformatted.

okay after that I want to mention that you can also add the list to your google docs document. if you want to create a list you can follow those steps:

first, click the ”list” I cone in the toolbar.

(This will bring up a drop-down menu of different list types.)

then you should select the type of list you want to use.

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You can use the “Enter” key to create new lines and press Tab if you want more space between items on your list. You’ll also find that when typing quickly, pressing Shift will indent a few characters while using ‘Shift+Tab’ indents all of them – this is great for making changes without having to go back over everything!

and If you want a bigger or smaller margin of white space between the image :

Click on the image, hold down Shift, and then click on one of the corner sizing handles. As you drag in or out, you’ll see the margin size change around the image. When you release the mouse button, the text will wrap to fit within those margins.

How to format text in Google slides

How to add bullet points to Google Slides :

Google Slides makes it easy to add bullet points to your presentations. Clicking on the “Bullets” icon will bring up a drop-down menu with different styles, including ones that mimic real bullets!

The first step to creating a bullet point is typing your list. You can also use the “Enter” key and tab buttons together for this process, or you could press shift + enter if desired! The next thing will be adding items onto each item in order until they’re all filled up with text–pressing Shift-TAB goes back one space when editing indented lists while pressing SHIFT+ENTER creates new lines after every entry (useful if there’s more than just 1 command).

in the end, I really want you to tell us if you face any problem in the middle of the process my colleague in temis marketing will try their best to help you in the best way that they can.


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With our presentation design services, we can help you create an amazing visual representation of your business. They are designed by professional strategists and designers who understand how important it is to have visuals that communicate clearly and effectively while still being aesthetically pleasing. They’re also created using the most up-to-date data so they won’t become obsolete quickly like other types of marketing material might be

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