How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint?

How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint
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What’s more interesting than a good infographic? A bad one!
Neat graphics can be used in any type of presentation for added effect. They’re especially helpful when you want your audience to take action because they provide valuable information about trends that might influence their decision-making processes or behaviors – all without boring them with dry words on paper (although this is also possible). If graphs aren’t quite what comes to mind as was online, I recommend checking out these 10 different types of contentious presentations.

Creating an infographic in PowerPoint is simple, and with a little creativity you can end up with professional-looking results.

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How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint?

What Is an Infographic?

An infographic is a visual usually comprising charts, images, and text with the intention of spreading information. Infographics are an important marketing tool that can reach the public in a manner that is both efficient and aesthetically pleasing. Professionals across different industries use them, but they all aim to inform. The main strength of infographics is their ability to keep the audience engaged.

Infographics are a great way to get your message across in an engaging and memorable manner. They can be made with the use of timeline graphs, bar charts, or any other type that suits their purpose- but one thing is certain: they will leave people wanting more! PowerPoint has many presentation tools available which allow you to create these informative visuals easily on computer screens as well as phones/tablets so there isn’t anything holding back creativity when designing them now days

How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint?

Why Use Infographics?

Infographics are a great way to share information with your audience, whether you’re trying to communicate complex ideas or just want people engaged in what’s happening. A well-made infographic can help make things easier for everyone involved by taking difficult concepts and presenting them clearly without unnecessary complexity!

– Make your presentations more engaging

– Make complex information more understandable

– Add an element of interest or excitement to dull data

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How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint?

How to create infographics on PowerPoint

Here is a step-by-step guide for creating an infographic on PowerPoint:

Start a new presentation

Start a new presentation

The first step for creating your infographic PowerPoint is to create a blank slide. Open the program, click “New” on the left-hand sidebar, and then choose the “Blank Presentation” format. Click “Create” on the lower right-hand side of your screen, and your new presentation and slide should appear.

How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint?

Change the slide to portrait mode

Infographics are typically in a portrait style, But the default setting on PowerPoint is in landscape view. To change this, click the “Design” tab on the top of the screen, then click “Slide Size” and navigate to the “Orientation” section. Change the slides orientation from landscape to portrait. Also, you can personalize the size of the infographic, with 6 inches wide by 14 inches tall being a good starting point.

How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint?

Choose a background

The standard background is white, but you can change it to the aesthetic you desire to convey in your infographic. To change your background, right-click on your slide and navigate to “Format Background.” This opens up a selection box where you can choose your background’s gradient, pattern, texture, transparency, and color.

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How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint?

Add title and subheading text

One of the focal factors of your infographic is your title. So keep in mind an engaging title and subheading can help your audience’s attention. The default settings for slides include a title and subheading text box. Click these text boxes to insert your desired title and subheading.


Open “SmartArt graphic” and pick out your visual element.

SmartArt is an application within PowerPoint that allows users to insert various visual elements, including graphs, charts, and shapes. To access the SmartArt graphic, click “Insert” on the top bar and navigate to the “SmartArt” icon. Once open, you have the choice of several types of graphics. Flow charts, pyramids, cycles, and diagram’s are a few options available to users. Once you decide on your graphic style, click its icon and then the “OK” button. You can also change the colors of your graphic by clicking it and choosing the “Change Color” option.

Add informative textual content

All infographics aim to inform, so ensuring that you will include quality text is an essential part of creating an effective infographic. To add text into your SmartArt graphics, click on the graphic and enter your text in the provided box. To add textual content to the background of your infographic, click “Insert,” navigate to the “Text Box” icon and choose the area where you want the text to appear. You can also create custom text boxes and graphics using the “Shapes” tool under “Insert.”

How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint?

Add images

Infographics are powerful in particular because of their extensive visual elements. While including informative text and graphics is critical, you may also want to add relevant images to your infographic.

How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint?

Tips for creating infographics

Here are some tips to help you create your next infographic using PowerPoint:

  • Research existing infographics on the internet for guidance and inspiration. You can find a wealth of great design ideas that will help you get started with your own project!
  • Incorporate design elements like icons, borders, and fonts to help your infographic stand out.
  • Pick a cohesive color scheme for your visual components that stresses the most important information in each one.
  • Make sure your design is easy to follow so that people can absorb the information you’re trying to share.

The power of infographics is undeniable. They’re a great way to keep your presentation on-point and engaging, even if you have limited time! In just minutes from now, we’ll show how easy it can be to create professional-looking graphics using PowerPoint’s free templates that will impress everyone in the room – including us 😉

How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint?

An example of PowerPoint Infographic is a timeline Infographic 

If you plan to tell the history of a particular industry, product, brand, trend, or tactic, it would be great to use an infographic template. The timeline is the most common and simplest design approach in many different ways to visualize time – including in a circle.

How to Make an Infographic in PowerPoint?

Timeline Infographic Best Practices.

-Research: The first-class timeline infographics aren’t simply designed. Also, they inform an outstanding tale primarily based on great research. So before you start the design phase of your timeline infographic, put in the time to surface the best information possible.

-Narrow the scope: Timelines with thousands of years of history can certainly be interesting, but they can also require weeks or months of research. To keep your sanity, stay for shorter periods.

-Keep your copy concise: Infographics are prepurported to be visual. A blog post may be the better content format if you write 100+ words for each date on your timeline.


presentation design services

presentation design services :

With our presentation design services, we can help you create a great visual representation of your business. They are designed by professional strategists and designers who understand how important it is to have visuals that communicate clearly and effectively while still being aesthetically pleasing. They’re also created using the most up-to-date data so they won’t become obsolete quickly like other types of marketing material might be.

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