How to record a presentation on an iPad?

How to Record a Presentation on an iPad
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Have you been looking for a way to record your next presentation? If so, read on! This blog post will show how easy it is to use an iPad for video capture. You’ll be able to take advantage of this option if lugging around a laptop isn’t ideal or finding time in the morning just never seems possible anymore–especially because there are some great apps that let us do all sorts of things with our tablets: recording videos/presentations without ever having left home (or office)!

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Preparing to Record

  • The iPad or iPhone screen should be in landscape mode.
note:1. landscape mode on an iPad allows you to view more of the interface at once.
2. The iPhone is a great device for browsing the web, but if you’re going to do some shopping or check your email while on-site be careful not to rotate yourself! (Xanax) Rotating an iOS Device will cause all sorts of problems with how things work (and look) so don’t forget this step when using one.
  • When you’re recording voiceovers or narration, use an external microphone to capture the sounds perfectly. Apple headphones are usually enough for this purpose but if your subject matter involves loud noises like motorcycles then consider picking up some AirPods instead!


  • Everything that appears on your screen will be recorded, including notifications.

Step 1: Open the presentation that you want to record.

Step 2: Go to Settings on your iPad.

Step 2: Swipe up from the bottom of your screen to open the Control Center.

Step 3: Select Customized Controls.

Step 4: Tap the plus sign next to Screen Recording to enable it.

Step 5: When you’re finished recording, tap on the Stop button (it has a red square with a white dot in the middle).


presentation design services

presentation design services :

With our presentation design services, we can help you create an amazing visual representation of your business. They are designed by professional strategists and designers who understand how important it is to have visuals that communicate clearly and effectively while still being aesthetically pleasing. They’re also created using the most up-to-date data so they won’t become obsolete quickly like other types of marketing material might be.

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