How to solve the icons colors problem In Figma + Tips and tricks

How to solve the icons colors problem In Figma + Tips and tricks
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Figma is one of the most excellent design tool’s with extraordinary design features. Icons in Figma are easily customizable, allowing you to change the color of an icon or its entire appearance. You can select from a range of preset colors, but if you need something more specific, you can use the color picker tool to define your custom colors. You can also create and save palettes for quickly changing multiple icons. This powerful customization tool makes it easy to add personality and flair to any project. Whether you’re designing an app or website, Figma’s selection of vibrant icon colors will ensure that your designs stand out from the crowd. Sometimes in the process, you may notice that icons colors have a problem in Figma. In this article, you will learn how to solve this problem.

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How to Change an Icon/Image Color in Figma.

We encountered the most common problem with images, particularly Icons. Also, we had to deal with the need to change colors based on design schemes (e.g., Dark vs. Light).


How can you change the color of Icons?

We use Streamline icons for our icon needs—one of the most popular Figma plugin to create any shape in my design.

This is how to change the color of an icon that was imported from this plugin.

  • You can load the plugin by selecting it in the Plugins menu.
  • Choose an Icon from Plugin, e.g., the Home Icon.
  • Select the icon, and then remove the “FFFFFFFF” fill from the image in the design panel to the right. This will reduce the icon’s boundaries and remove the background.
  • Place the icon in a rectangle. Make sure that the rectangle is the same size as the icon. If it is not, you can adjust it later from the design panel to the right.
  • You can choose the Icon or the Rectangle by pressing Cmd+Click each item on Layers. Or you can manually click on the frame to open the Right Click menu and select Use as Mask (shift+cmd+m).
  • To achieve the desired result, change the rectangle’s color within the Mask.


How to solve the icons colors problem In Figma?

How to solve the icons colors problem In Figma?

Figma provides various easy-to-use tools to help you customize the colors of your icons. The simplest way to do this is by selecting from one of the available preset color palettes. If you need something more specific, there’s also a color picker tool that lets you define custom colors and create and save palettes for future use.

With these powerful customization options, it’s easy to give your project just the right look and feel. Figma also allows you to adjust individual elements within an icon as needed, giving you greater control over how your design looks in the end. So don’t worry about having trouble with changing icon colors in Figma – with these helpful tools at your disposal, it’s easier to make sure your project looks just the way you want it.

Many people are curious about how to solve this problem in various design communities. How can I maintain the icon’s color after changing them in a component?

The solution: It is essential to ensure that the layer names in the icons match. It will work as expected.


What happens when I switch an icon from one layer to two?

What happens when I switch an icon from one layer to two?

It was easy to see that the first layer in the first icon is the same as the last layer in the second icon. This means that if the first layer is black, the last layer will also be black. The default layer color will be the first.


Does case sensibility matter?

Does case sensibility matter?

It is very important. Name the layers in the same letter case (uppercase or lowercase). Figma “recognizes and remembers” layer names overrides.

To make your icons work correctly, there are two requirements.

  1. The icon components require the same layer name for the vector parts — the “path” must have the same name. If you have multiple paths, you will need to perform a boolean operation over them. This allows you to have only one top layer for controlling the color.
  2. In all instances, you need to apply color overlay to the “top layer with the same name in all icons”.


Here is an example to understand it better:

PROBLEM: We have icons that are text layers (Font Awesome), and each text layer is wrapped with a frame that is exactly 24x24px. Each icon’s text style and frame layers have a unique name. The problem was text layer names within each frame needed to be the same for all icons.

SOLUTION: All text layers within all frames have been renamed to the same name.

There was an issue with Figma, as the naming conventions we used before worked fine for more than a year. Figma is investigating the issue.



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