Journey Mapping Vs. Experience Mapping: Which one is for you?

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A customer journey map is a visualization of your customers’ steps to interact with your company, from awareness to purchase and beyond. A customer experience map does the same thing, including emotions and other factors influencing the customer’s decision-making process.

If you’re not sure which type of map is right for you, consider your goals and objectives. If you want to focus on improving the overall customer experience, a customer experience map may be a better choice. A customer journey map may be a better fit if you’re mainly interested in understanding the customer’s purchase journey. This article will give you what you need about mas to choose your path wisely.



What is Customer Journey Mapping?

Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) is a tool businesses use to track and improve the customer experience. It involves creating a map of all customer touchpoints with a company, from their first brand awareness to post-purchase follow-up. This helps businesses identify areas where the customer experience can be improved and change how they operate accordingly. CJM can be used in a variety of industries but is especially useful for companies that deal directly with customers regularly, such as retailers or service providers.



When can you use Customer Journey Mapping?

There are a number of situations where Customer Journey Mapping can be helpful. If you’re looking to improve your customer experience, identify areas of friction, or better understand how customers interact with your business, CJM can be a valuable tool.



What is a Customer Experience Map?

A Customer Experience Map is a tool that businesses use to track and improve the customer experience. A customer experience map covers all touchpoints, whether or not they resulted in a sale, whereas a customer journey pertains only to a single sale and the steps involved in it.

Customer experience map can also be influenced by the emotional and behavioral responses of customers and users. In essence, customer experience mapping can help you dive into what drives your users’ actions, allowing you to make relevant changes to give your users a good overall experience when interacting with your business.


When can you use the Customer Experience map?

A customer experience map, in contrast to journey mapping is more effective if you don’t know where the problem is. You know something, somewhere, is falling short, and by approaching the exercise in an honest and open-minded manner, you can hopefully nail down exactly where the customer pain point’s are when before, you might not have known they existed at all. One common pitfall to avoid is mapping out what you think the user experience should be when you want to map out what the experience is in the customer’s eyes, warts and all.

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Four Types of Mapping for Customers

  1. Empathy Map
  2. Customer Journey Map
  3. Service Blueprint
  4. Experience Map


Empathy Map

An empathy map is a tool that helps businesses understand their customers on a deeper level. It involves creating a map of all the touchpoint’s a customer has with a brand, from their first awareness of the product or service to post-purchase follow-up. This helps businesses identify areas where the user experience can be improved and change how they operate accordingly.


Customer Journey Map

The customer journey map is similar to the empathy map but focuses specifically on the customer’s journey with your business. This includes all of the steps they take, both online and offline, as well as any interactions they have with your company along the way. By understanding the customer journey, you can improve the overall experience and make sure that every touchpoint is positive.

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Service Blueprint

A service blueprint is a tool that helps businesses understand how their product or service is delivered to customers. Service blueprints are counterparts to customer journey maps focused on the employees. It involves mapping out all of the steps involved in the delivery process, from start to finish. This helps businesses identify areas where there is room for improvement and change how they operate accordingly. Also, you can use it after customer journey mapping, Before making organizational or process changes, and when pinpointing a funnel or breakpoint internally.


Experience Map

An experience map is a tool that helps businesses understand the customer’s overall experience with their brand. It involves mapping out all the touchpoints a customer has with a company, from their first brand awareness to post-purchase follow-up. This helps businesses identify areas where the customer experience can be improved and change how they operate accordingly.



Customer Journey Mapping is a valuable tool for businesses that want to improve their customer experience. By understanding the journey customers take with your business, you can ensure that every interaction is positive and that your brand consistently delivers on its promises. Several different types of mapping tools are available, each of which has its benefits. Choose the best suits your needs and start improving your customer experience today.



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