What are grids in Design, and which one is better?

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As a professional graphic designer, you should be familiar with the different types of grids that can be used to create stunning UI design. A grid system is one of the best ways to create an organized design. An important component of layout design in graphic design is grids. This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know about the different types of grids and when to use them. Layout design involves using one grid or a group of grids, depending on what needs to be achieved.



What are grids?

A grid is a structure of horizontal and vertical lines that cross each other to form a series of squares or rectangles. Grids are used to create a consistent layout and help align design elements. There are a variety of different types of grids that can be used for creating designs.

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The different types of grid systems include:

1- Manuscript grid: Manuscript grids are used for text-heavy designs and are made up of horizontal lines that are used to align text.

2- Column grid: Column grids are made up of vertical lines that are used to align elements in a design.

3- Modular grid: Modular grids are created by combining both column and row grids. Modular grids help create complex designs.

4- Hierarchical grid: Hierarchical grids are used to create a hierarchy of information in a design.



Manuscript grid

The manuscript grid is the most basic type of grid. It is simply a series of horizontal and vertical lines intersect to create a series of squares or rectangles. This type of grid is often used for body text as it provides a clear and easy-to-read layout.

Also known as a single-column grid or a block grid, Manuscript grids are useful for broad and continuous blocks of text. They’re utilized as a part of books and long essays and may give themselves well to blog posts. They aren’t restricted to content, however.

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Column Grid

Column grids are similar to manuscript grids, except they are divided into columns and not rows. Column grids can be used to display discontinuous data. This type of grid is often used for newspapers and magazines, as it allows a lot of content to be displayed in a small space.

Columns can be dependent on one another, autonomous from one other, and traversed by design element’s. This prompts a lot of adaptabilities when arranging information on the page.


Modular Grid

A modular grid is made up of a series of rectangles that are all the same size. This grid type is often used for web design, as it allows for a lot of flexibility and can be easily adapted to different screen sizes.

Modular grids are great for hard projects requiring more control than a column grid can offer. Picture galleries and shopping carts are likely possibilities for modular (particular) grids.


Hierarchical Grid

A hierarchical grid is made up of a series of columns and rows that are all different sizes. On the internet, hierarchical grids can be found frequently. Column widths tend to shift, as do the location of flowlines. This type of grid is often used for magazines and newspapers, as it allows different kinds of content to be given different amounts of space.

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Non-Rectangular Grid

A non-rectangular grid is a type of grid that does not follow the traditional rectangular shape. This grid type is often used for more creative designs, as it allows for a unique layout.



The Parts of a Grid layout design

Now that you know the different types of grids let’s take a look at the parts of a grid that you need to be aware of when creating your own design.


The margin is the area around the edge of the page that is not covered by content. The margin size will depend on the type of design you are creating, but it is important to ensure that the margin is large enough so that the content does not feel too cramped.


The column is the basic unit of a grid. The number of columns you use will depend on the design you create and the amount of content you need to include.


Rows are the horizontal lines that divide the columns. The number of rows you use will depend on the type of design you are creating and the amount of content you need to include.


The gutter is the space between the columns. The size of the gutter will depend on the design you are creating, but it is important to ensure that the gutter is large enough so that the content does not feel too cramped.


Gridlines are the lines that divide the rows and columns. They help to create a visual structure for your design and make it easier to align your content.

Grids can seem daunting, but once you understand the basics, you’ll be able to create stunning designs that are easy to read and navigate. By using a grid, you can ensure that your design is professional and polished.


How to choose the Right Grid Layout Design?

Now that you understand the different types of grids, how do you choose the right one for your grid design? Here are some factors to be aware of:

  • The type of design you are creating: If you are creating a design that will be displayed on a screen, such as a website or app, then you should use a modular grid. You should use a column grid if you are creating a print design, such as a magazine or book.
  • The amount of content you need to include: If you have a lot of content that needs to be displayed in a small space, then you should use a column grid. If you have less content or want your design to have more empty space, then you should use a modular grid.
  • The level of complexity you want in your design: If you want your design to be simple and easy to navigate, you should use a column grid. If you want your design to be more complex and creative, then you should use a modular grid.

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