Whatever you need to write a good Design Brief Example

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As a designer, it’s necessary to understand exactly what the design task requires. This is where the design brief can be helpful. The successful execution depends on mutual understanding between the designer and the customer. A client should write down the requirements for the project, and mostly this document is called a design brief. It is the foundation of your design project. If the wheels begin to wobble, it will keep everything in order.


What is a Design Brief?

A design brief is a document that outlines the key information that a designer will need to know to create a product that meets their client’s needs. The client can create this document, or it can be created by a professional designer who is familiar with the design process. Either way, the goal of the design brief is to provide the designer with all of the necessary information to create a successful final product.

Some of the key information that should be included in a design brief includes:

– The target audience for the product

– The purpose of the product

– The specific requirements for the product

– Any budget or time constraints that are relevant to the project

Having all of this information upfront will allow the designer to create a product tailored to their client’s specific needs. This will ultimately result in a better final product and a happier client.



Why do you need a design brief?

A design brief is an essential tool for any designer, whether working on a new product, service, or brand identity. It helps define the project parameters and ensure everyone involved is clear on the goals and objectives.

A good design brief will also help to keep the project on track and within budget. There are several different elements that should be included in an effective design brief. It is important to be clear and concise. It is also important to remember that a good design brief can be a living document – it can be revised and updated as the project progresses.



How to write a design brief?

There’s no one right way to write an effective brief. However, there are some key elements that should be included in order to give your designer the information they need to create a successful design. Below are some tips on what to include in your design brief:



Project Overview

  • What are we building?
  • What design problem are we trying to solve?
  • What assets are expected at the end of the project?



Goal and objective

One of the most important steps in planning a design project and writing your design brief is clarification on what you want to achieve with the new design. Your work will flow more smoothly if you are clear about your objectives and project goals. These are questions about project goals and objectives:

  • What would the ideal outcome for this project look like?
  • Are you trying to solve this design problem for the first time?



Budget and Timeline:

Include your project budget and timeline so the designer can plan accordingly. Clarifying these constraints and expectations upfront is necessary to keep the project on track and avoid conflicts and scope creep down the road.

Valuable questions to gather the information:

  • What are the budget constraints on this project?
  • How flexible are they?
  • What are the key milestones within the project?



Target audience

When writing about your target audience, don’t forget to mention the age of your users, their education, occupation, income, etc. Explain to the designer who these people are, what issues they want to solve, and how they are expected to interact with your product. To find out what you need:

  • Who is your ideal customer?
  • What are their demographics, habits, and goals?
  • What time and how will they use your product?




You may need to add additional information depending on the project. If you have any references (e.g., examples of designs you like), be sure to include them.

  • Who are the main competitors?
  • Are there any “do not”? Any features or creative direction?
  • Who will give the final approval?
  • Who has the power to approve/reject your design work at completion of the project?

By following these tips, you can create an intense design brief that will give your designer the guidance they need to produce a successful design.



Design brief templates

Company or individual name

Contact information

Project overview: This is a (type of project) for (client/customer/company). The goal of the project is to (overall objective). The project will be accomplished by (deliverables) and will take (amount of time) to complete.

Specific objectives: What are the specific goals or objectives that need to be met for the project to be considered a success? These should be quantifiable whenever possible

Target audience: Who is the target audience for this project? Also, what are their needs and wants? How will the project address them?

Project scope: What deliverables are expected? What tasks need to be completed to achieve these deliverables?

Timeline: When does the project need to be completed? Are there any milestones that need to be met along the way?

Budget: What is the budget for this project? What are the costs associated with each task in the scope of work?

Branding/tone guidelines: Does the project need to adhere to any existing branding or tone guidelines? If so, please provide them here.

Additional information: Is there anything else that needs to be considered when completing this project? This document is a simple design brief template that can be used for any project. Fill out each section with the relevant information, and you’ll have everything you need to get started.



After you’ve created your brief, make sure it is up-to-date. Also, make it accessible to all stakeholders. You should remember that your brief is not complete until the project is completed. It may be necessary to revise the document several times during the project.

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