How to Clean Up a PowerPoint Presentation in 6 Easy Steps

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PowerPoint presentations are a common tool for conveying information clearly and engagingly. However, over time presentations can get jumbled, messy, and plain or ugly. If you want to guarantee that readers receive your presentation successfully, PowerPoint presentation design services need to be de-cluttered. This article will guide you to find out how to clean up PowerPoint presentations.

how to make a clean powerpoint presentation

Why Clean Up Your PowerPoint Presentation?

Before diving into the cleaning process, it’s essential to understand why cleaning up your PowerPoint presentation is crucial:

  1. Improved Clarity: A cluttered and disorganized presentation can confuse your audience. Cleaning it up ensures that your message is clear and easy to follow.
  2. Enhanced Visual Appeal: A well-designed presentation with clean visuals is more visually appealing and engaging for your audience.
  3. Professionalism: A polished presentation demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail, which can enhance your credibility.
  4. Audience Engagement: Clean, concise slides help keep your audience engaged and focused on your message rather than distractions.
  5. Time Efficiency: Streamlining your presentation can save time during the presentation itself and during the preparation phase.

Now that you understand the importance of cleaning up PowerPoint presentations let’s explore the steps to achieve this:

Step 1: Review Your Content

Read through all your presentation material first. Ask yourself the following questions:

  •       Is all the data related to this theme?
  •       Is there redundant slide content?
  •       How timely or valid is the content?
  •       Is there a coherent progression from one slide to the next in terms of content?

Identify any sections or slides that can be removed or consolidated to make the presentation more concise and focused.

Step 2: Simplify Text

One common issue in PowerPoint presentations is the overuse of text. Long paragraphs or sentences can overwhelm your audience. To clean up your slides:

  • Replace lengthy paragraphs with concise bullet points.
  • Instead of using text, use visual elements like images, diagrams and symbols to present your message.
  • Keep consistent font sizes and styles in PowerPoint in order to be readable.

Step 3: Organize Content

Ensure that your content is well-organized. Use clear headings and subheadings to guide your audience through the presentation’s structure. Consider the following tips:

  • Group related content together.
  • Use slide transitions to indicate new sections or topics.
  • Utilize a table of contents slide to provide an overview of the presentation’s structure.

Step 4: Choose a Consistent Design

In presenting, the most important thing is to have a clean, cohesive layout, and one way of achieving this is through using a consistent template, style and theme. Choose an appropriate colour palette, typeface, and layout that reflect your message and brand identity. Here’s how to do it:

  • Choose only two or three colors as your color palette.
  • Use readable fonts like Arial or Calibri.

Step 5: Optimize Images and Graphics

If your presentation includes images or graphics, ensure they are of high quality and enhance your message. Follow these guidelines:

  • Use high-resolution images that are relevant to your content.
  • Resize and crop images as needed to fit your slides.
  • Avoid cluttering slides with too many visuals; focus on the most important ones.
  • Add captions or labels to clarify the purpose of visuals.

Step 6: Check Slide Transitions and Animations

While slide transitions and animations can add visual interest to your presentation, overusing them can be distracting. Here’s what to consider:

  • Use slide transitions sparingly, typically only for section breaks or key points.
  • Keep animations simple and purposeful, such as emphasizing key text or revealing diagrams step by step.
  • Test slide transitions and animations to ensure they enhance your message rather than detract from it.

Step 7: Proofread and Edit

Typos and grammar errors can undermine the professionalism of your presentation. Proofread all text thoroughly and edit as needed. Consider these proofreading tips:

  • Use spell-check and grammar-check tools.
  • Review text for consistency in formatting, such as capitalization and punctuation.
  • Double-check facts, statistics, and references for accuracy.

Step 8: Test Your Presentation

Before delivering your presentation, test it to ensure everything works as intended. Check for the following:

  • Slide navigation: Ensure that hyperlinks, buttons, and slide transitions work correctly.
  • Compatibility: Test your presentation on the computer and software you’ll be using for the actual presentation.
  • Timing: Practice the timing of your slides to stay within your allotted presentation time.

Step 9: Create a Backup

Always have a backup plan in case technical issues arise during your presentation, you can save it on cloud base storages or USB drive to have an easy access to it.

Step 10: Rehearse

The final step in cleaning up your PowerPoint presentation is rehearsing your delivery. Practice your presentation multiple times to become familiar with the content and flow. Consider these rehearsal tips:

  • Practice in front of a trusted colleague or friend for feedback.
  • Time your presentation to ensure it fits within your allotted time.
  • Work on your speaking skills, including tone, pace, and engagement with the audience.

how to clean up a powerpoint presentation


How to use PowerPoint Auto Fix to Clean up your slides?

PowerPoint offers a handy “Auto Fix” feature that can help clean up your slides and improve their overall appearance. Here’s how to use PowerPoint Auto Fix to enhance your presentation:

  • Open Your PowerPoint Presentation:

Launch Microsoft PowerPoint and open the presentation you want to clean up.

  • Select the Slide to Be Fixed:

Navigate to the slide that you want to enhance using Auto Fix.

  • Access the Auto Fix Options:

Now choose the slide you want to modify and select it.

Then go to the “Format” tab of the PowerPoint ribbon at the top.

  • Activate Auto Fix:

Look for the “Auto Fix” or “Auto Correct” option in the Format tab. The exact wording may vary depending on your PowerPoint version.

Click on the Auto Fix option to open the dropdown menu.

  • Choose an Auto Fix Option:


  1. The Auto-Fix menu typically offers several options to improve the selected slide. These options might include:
  1. Contrast: Adjusts the contrast to make the content more visible.
  2. Brightness: Increases or decreases the brightness for better clarity.
  3. Sharpen/Soften: Enhances or softens the image or text.
  4. Color: Corrects color balance issues.
  • Apply the Auto Fix:

Click on the specific Auto Fix option that will enhance the slide’s appearance.

PowerPoint will automatically apply the chosen correction to your slide.

  • Review the Slide:

Carefully inspect the slide after applying the Auto Fix to ensure it meets your expectations.

If you’re satisfied with the result, move on to the next slide or apply Auto Fix to other slides as needed.

  • Undo or Redo Auto Fix:

If the Auto Fix doesn’t yield the desired result, you can always undo the changes by pressing “Ctrl+Z” (Windows) or “Command+Z” (Mac) or use the “Undo” button in PowerPoint.

You can also redo the Auto Fix if you change your mind.

  • Repeat for Other Slides:

Continue this process for other slides you want to clean up or enhance in your presentation.

  • Save Your Presentation:

Once you’re satisfied with the cleaned-up slides, save your presentation to preserve the changes.

Using PowerPoint’s Auto Fix feature can quickly improve the visual quality of your slides, making your presentation more polished and appealing to your audience. Remember that while Auto Fix can be helpful, reviewing the results to ensure they align with your design preferences and objectives is essential.

make a clean powerpoint presentation

How to make a clean PowerPoint presentation?

Creating a clean and professional PowerPoint presentation involves meticulous planning, design decisions, and meticulous attention to detail. To achieve this, start by clearly defining your presentation’s purpose and message. Organize your content systematically, crafting a well-structured outline with a distinct introduction, main points, and a conclusive ending. Embrace a minimalist design ethos with a simple, unobtrusive background, favoring neutral colors or subtle gradients to avoid distracting clutter.

Opt for a consistent and legible font, limiting your choice to one or two styles throughout the presentation, judiciously employing bold or italics for emphasis. Establish a hierarchy using font size and formatting, ensuring titles and headings are more prominent than body text. Convey your ideas succinctly, avoiding excessive text on each slide and relying on bullet points or brief sentences. Integrate high-quality images and graphics that align with your content and enhance comprehension.

Maintain a harmonious color scheme with 2-3 complementary colors, and enforce consistent alignment using grids or guides. Be prudent with slide transitions and animations, opting for simplicity over extravagance. Prioritize readability by ensuring adequate contrast between text and background colors. Foster visual consistency by employing the same slide layout consistently.

Tread lightly on special effects, as superfluous elements like sound effects or excessive animations can detract from your message. Clarify complex concepts with charts, graphs, and diagrams that are easily comprehensible. Rehearse your presentation multiple times to enhance your delivery and confidence. Scrutinize your work for grammatical and spelling errors, and verify the functionality of all links and multimedia components. Leverage speaker notes to bolster your presentation with additional context or reminders, invisible to your audience.

Test your presentation on your actual equipment, including any remote controls or clickers, to avoid technical glitches. Engage your audience with unwavering eye contact, articulate speech, and active participation. Lastly, solicit feedback from colleagues or peers to pinpoint areas for improvement, ensuring your clean presentation effectively conveys your message.


Cleaning up a PowerPoint presentation is a crucial part of delivering an effective and engaging message. Following these steps ensures that your presentation is clear, visually appealing, and professional. Remember that a well-organized and polished presentation enhances your message and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.


What is slide cleaning in PowerPoint?

PowerPoint will automatically rearrange, uniformly resize, resolve the layout of your elements, and straighten any connectors/lines you’re using with your flow to give your ideas a clean boost.

How should you hold a clean slide?

Pull out one slide with clean forceps and hold it gently by the edges. Make sure to use clean gloves. Be extra careful not to touch the middle of the slides in the sample lane area.

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