The UX of registration and login pages

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I’ve been in many, MANY situations where I needed to sign up for something. You know how it goes – there are a lot of choices and not enough time! So when registration is painful or just takes way too long (or both), people stop using your product altogether before they even get started with what really matters: content delivery. As frustrating as this sounds an account creation process should be simple but effective at getting users on board quickly while also providing them peace of mind knowing that any barriers are temporary.

I’ve been in many, MANY situations where I needed to sign up for something. You know how it goes – there are a lot of choices and not enough time! So when registration is painful or just takes way too long (or both), people stop using your product altogether before they even get started with what really matters: content delivery. As frustrating as this sounds an account creation process should be simple but effective at getting users on board quickly while also providing them peace of mind knowing that any barriers are temporary


Importance of Sign-Up and Login Page Design

When a user signs up to your site, it is an indication that they believe in you and what you offer. Registering with any company begins the process of building trust between both parties while also becoming acquainted with how things work around here!

When the user experience is painless and trustworthy, they are more likely to provide their information. A poor design forces users into taking a risk which could lead them away from your site forever.

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A well-designed website makes it easy for people who visit your online business page or app to feel confident about giving out personal details like usernames without fear that something will happen once those clicks happen; this ensures greater security against hackers trying to steal our private data!

Moreover, the users need to log in each time they visit the site. This also raises the need for a simple login page that does not overwhelm the users and they can easily follow a few steps to log in.

Below is a list of best practices that will help you design a simple and efficient onboarding process for your site.


1. Search for simplicity


  • Request only what’s required

Logging in is really all that’s needed to access your account, so registration pages should reflect this. You can enter any other information after logging in and it will be updated on the site accordingly!


  • Email instead of username

When I first started using email accounts, it was a huge pain in the neck to use my real name for every single one. But now that seems like such an old-fashioned idea! If you want people to be able to contact your business later on down the road then providing their address is essential so they can get back at y’all if something goes wrong or there’s any kind of problem- which will happen sooner rather than later with online shopping these days due how popular everything has become.

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  • Text field placeholders

You should always provide instructions or reminders when you make requests of users, especially if they are not familiar with your site.

This applies to any forms but doesn’t assume everyone will remember what’s required from them at first glance – anyone would appreciate having some sort of assistance!


  • “Remember Me”

You should always provide instructions or reminders when you make requests of users, especially if they are not familiar with your site.

This applies to any forms but doesn’t assume everyone will remember what’s required from them at first glance – anyone would appreciate having some sort of assistance!


  •  Error states

There are two approaches to handling error states on registration/login pages; a good UX design enables users with specific information about their problem. This makes it easier for them and gives an accurate fix, while also ensuring security by not providing any possible credentials that may lead to confusion or other problems in use (such as accidentally purchasing something). An engineering-sided approach would prefer ambiguity – especially when dealing with sensitive products where things like privacy laws must be considered


  • Validation

This is especially tricky on mobile since users are forced to switch between apps to validate their accounts in their email. This can be a real pain point, and arguably it’s a similarly frustrating experience on a desktop. This is still required by some companies for various reasons, so whenever possible, allow users to validate at a later time, so they can start using your product right away, or suggest SMS validation. Or better yet, don’t validate at all.


2. Put an optional login

Make registration and login optional until users reach that required point. Conversion rate increases more when you allow people to see what they are getting before making a decision, even if it is just an onboarding process or one-time sign-up form for example!

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 3. Password design 


  • Forgot password link

We all forget our passwords from time to time, but this is made even more challenging when we use mobile devices that are meant for convenience on the go. That means finding a wayward written-down password in moments of weakness can be near impossible! To help with these problems include an option reset link so users don’t have to search through old emails or texts looking at possible options before getting back into their account right away.


  • Show/hide passwords

One of the most common mistakes that people make is typing in their password wrong because they can’t see what’s on screen. For example, if you have a show option for characters instead of just having them hidden (which is actually better), this should help with spelling too since we all know how tricky those little key stamps sometimes get!


  • Move away from the “Confirm Password” fields

The purpose of this field is to ensure users enter their passwords correctly without any errors when registering an account. However, human errors occur all the time, so what if users enter the same incorrect password twice? This can easily happen if users simply copy and paste the password. I’ve done this many times. It’s not foolproof. Having a “show” option for the password would do the trick and the “confirm password” field would not be needed.


  • Password strength

For an extra level of security, display the strength of the password as users type in the characters. Show this in real time for an instant response. While this is an important security measure and requires password constraints, it’s also best to minimize those constraints. This may differ with context (i.e. banking website vs social media app), but aim for only two or three constraints so users are not forced to create complicated passwords that they might end up forgetting.



The user experience (UX) of registration and login has become standardized with various features, but it’s always a good practice to step back and think about what your users need. Giving this process some extra thought can help you nail the design each time!

But in the end, if there is something missing in this blog or you still need more helps my colleague in temis marketing are here to help you the best way that they can. 

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